The Swedish keyboard

I’ve been using one for a few months now, since I had to replace a kaput computer in Stockholm on


Why Top CEOs Earn Big Paychecks

CEO compensation at large firms is high, especially in comparison to average worker wages, sparking debates over income inequality. Critics


I talk with Jon Hartley

Name: Greg Mankiw Location: United States I am the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University. I use


Greg Mankiw’s Blog: Ghostlight

About Me Name: Greg Mankiw Location: United States I am the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University.


A Biography of Milton Friedman

I just finished reading the biography of Milton Friedman by Jennifer Burns, which came out last year. It is great.


That was then, this is now, German edition

Via Scott Sumner. The post That was then, this is now, German edition appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION. Source link


England and Wales fact of the day

Here is the source. The post England and Wales fact of the day appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION. Source link


The Unseen Fallout: Chernobyl’s Deadly Air Pollution Legacy

A fascinating new paper The Political Economic Determinants of Nuclear Power: Evidence from Chernobyl by Makarin, Qian, and Wang was


What do different countries pay for Olympic gold medals?

Via Cremieux, and here is the related Wikipedia page. The post What do different countries pay for Olympic gold medals?


The French Olympic opening ceremony

I’ve only seen excerpts, but many people are upset.  I can vouch “this is not what I would have done,”