A Deep Dive on U.S. Reading and Math Scores, and What to do About Them

“It’s not just that students are failing to catch up, but that students are continuing to fall behind,” says one


Meaningful Engagement With Newcomer Parents Helps Everyone. Here’s How To Do It 

She’s done a slightly different version of this activity with elementary students’ parents, in which the parents each wrote a


What Does the US Department of Education Do? Some Facts About Its Role in Schools

Two of the most important federal funding streams to public schools are: Title I, which provides money to help districts


Reading and Math Scores in Latest National Report Card Highlight COVID and Pre-COVID Trends

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), which provides data for the Nation’s Report Card, is mandated by Congress and


Four Strategies for a Successful Second Semester 

Like Luther, many teachers might have new students in their classrooms in the spring semester. Luther kick-starts these classes with


A Researcher Said the Evidence on Special Education Inclusion is Flawed. Readers Weighed In

The article notes that Dr. Fuchs “is concentrating on academic outcomes” and acknowledges that inclusion may have “psychological or social


Writing Notes Instead of Typing Research Pits Scholars Against Each Other

Neither mode approximated real life conditions. The students were instructed to write in cursive without lifting the stylus from the


Gamification Fatigue? Try Game-Based Learning

Gamified learning activities can get students engaged really quickly, but these strategies don’t breed the long-lasting motivation for learning that


How Knowing Teen Brains a Little Better Can Help Coaches Be Effective Mentors

The mentor’s mindset shatters the idea that influential adults must be either tough guys or a soft touch. “Neither approach


Boys Face Unique Challenges. Here’s How to Help Them Thrive

Media with boy characters that experience and express emotions can be hard to find, but they do exist, according to