illinois Digital News

Poor is a Mindset – Why Many People You Know Will Always Be Poor !!!! Get Ready for a Bubble BURST


#migrants #chicago #genz #millennials #beingpoor #finance #retirement #gfc2024
#federalreserve #QuillIntelligence
**** SEE Full Episode under LIVE tab under the Channel !!!!!!!!!
Korea Slides –
More News on the Ever Changing Chicago Migrant Crisis for you our loyal viewer.
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Let’s Hope some solutions are found as Winter is coming real quick in the
midwest and sandals and shorts wont cut it !!!
Why anyone would travel to Chicago as Winter approaches is beyond me .
Temps will plummet – the wind will blow and living in this city in the winter
months will certainly test your preparedness !!!.
Let’s Talk about how things went for Black Friday and what it means to you
the consumer as this economy tries to find its way .
DJ Wonder Chrissy will bring up a few angles to consider as you work your way thru
your Holiday shopping both big and small .
It’s Not how much you make – its all about how much you SAVE Folks !!!
Chicago homeless
NYC Homeless
NYC Migrants
Chicago Hot tub Boats
Eric Adams
NYC crisis
Chicago Migrants
Brandon Johnson
illegal migrants
NYC migrants
Denver Migrants
#migrant #andrade #portofentry #jacumba #california #newyorkcity #NYC #curfew #NewYork #shelter #cslplasma #plasma #texas #nightime #sanantonio #migrants #immigration #immigrants #border #borderwall #eaglepass #mcallen #brownsville #resourcecenter #catholiccharities #catholicchurch
All content is clearly my opinion and totally idiotic – please double check any facts and/or figures stated during this video.
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