Only available for a compatible Apple Watch with Double Tap, the app allow you to set your own tempo towards mindfulness. Just Double Tap to movIe between each breath or mantra.

Inspired by the ancient Mala bead counting practice, you can choose form 27, 54, or 108 counts. You can also create a custom count. On the watch screen, you’ll see beautiful graphics helping you count down.

The app also has an Apple Watch complications and Smart Stack widget to help make meditation easier.

At the end of each session, information like mood, HRV, and pace is shared with Apple Health so you can better track your progress. No information is collected by the app.

TapTap Mind is a free download on the App Store now. You’ll need an Apple Watch Series 9 or 10 or an Apple Watch Ultra 2 to use the app.

I used the app for a few, quick meditation sessions, and was really impressed. Using the Double Tap gesture felt natural and easy and didn’t break up the session. Since the app is completely free, make sure to give it a try if you’re curious about how meditation works.

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