illinois Digital News

CHICAGO IL HAWAIIAN GUITAR Joe Bochenek "In The Garden" instro Illinois


“Joe Bochenek, born in Chicago of Polish parentage, is an outstanding musician, playing nine musical instruments. He is especially featured on the banjo and is sometimes called the “Banjo Wizard.”

Joey Bochenek, formerly a member of the Eddie Peabody Banjo Club in Chicago, has traveled extensively in America from coast to coast in evangelistic work. His testimony for Christ presents a real challenge and the Lord is using him wherever he goes.

Proficient as a gospel musician and known internationally, Joey has brought his music to the ears of thousands of listeners with such men as Dr. Billy Graham, Dr. Oswald Smith, Dr. Bob Cook, Phil Kerr, Major David Severt, Johnnie Hope, Bob Bradford and the Palermo Brothers.

Joey has received many offers from the theaters and name bands such as Spike Jones and others, but rather he has chosen to make his “MUSIC FOR THE MASTER” be the prime consideration of his life.

His dedicated life and music ability has won him the title, “THE MUSICAL WIZARD.”


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