illinois Digital News

First United Methodist – Evanston, Illinois


After 88 years, the Austin Chapel Organ at First United Methodist Church was failing. While their organists found ways to work around the pipes that no longer functioned, approximately one-third of the organ was not sounding. The church did extensive research into various options, and determined that a “rebuild” was not the right solution as the placement of the original pipes did not provide support in the balcony for musicians (the tone openings were at opposite end of the worship space) and the specification was just too limited for funerals, weddings, and for worship services.
The decision was made to install a Rodgers Hybrid Organ to “preserve the most wonderful parts (of) the old organ. In this way, we are embracing the past and looking to the future,” notes Bill Brown the Organ Committee Chairman.
Nine of the 15 pipe ranks are from the original Austin Chapel Organ. Six “new” ranks were installed around the rose window in the balcony to provide a Principal Chorus that speaks with authority down the nave to support singing. All of the pipework has been carefully re-voiced and blended with over 100 digitally-sampled voices (which complete the specification and provide an extensive palette of solo stops, accompaniment options and lighter ensembles of various colors).
This instrument clearly illustrates the “Wonder of Electronics” and the “Magic of Pipes.”


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