illinois Digital News

Southern Illinois' "Go! Southern, Go!"


FS: 210, FSV 198.
In what would be a hard fight song to sing to if the words are not put correctly to music, this would be the time to do so. When you sing you would mess up near the end. A little improvement from an existing fight song video from this: , I will see that you will make a mistake on stanzas 4-5 if you are not a student in this Carbondale school singing this, and you will be off timed. So I made this fight song so you will be on time whether or not you will go to the school whose city is nicknamed, “Little Egypt.” You will see that later, you will have to sing quickly at the end. The song would seem to be in a “logarithmic” scale. 🙂
It is a nice song for the Salukis, I’ll say!
You can copy the song, but not the video. Thanks for commenting cleanly.
(c) Excelsior27, All rights reserved


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