illinois Digital News

E. Dale Litney: State House Candidate – 56th District


E. Dale Litney

(Ed. Note: The Journal & Topics is asking candidates for local election in the November 8, 2022 General to provide biographical and background information on who they are and why they’re running. Republican E. Dale Litney is running against incumbent Democrat Michelle Mussman for election to the Illinois State House 56th District seat.)

Age: 52

Education: BA Knox College, MBA Roosevelt University

Job/professional background: Manufacturing, small business owner, sports official

Elected office currently or previously held, and/or any other service as a volunteer, or in  community, education, etc. settings: U.S. Peace Corps volunteer, Republic of the Philippines; Village of Schaumburg Plan Commission, Community Development Block Grant Committee,  Bikeways Advisory Committee (appointed volunteer); Illinois Youth Soccer Association Board of Directors, Recreational Director Schaumburg Athletic Association Recreational Soccer Board Member; US Soccer Licensed Coach, Referee & Mentor; Illinois High School Association Soccer & Volleyball Licensed Official; Professional Association of Volleyball Officials

How long have you lived in the district you wish to represent?: 27 years

Do you have any conflicts of interest, which could arise from holding this office? If so, how would you address those?: None.

Do you have any financial or business interests within the boundaries of the district you seek to represent, or who may work in the district you seek to represent?: None.

Do you have any criminal convictions (other than a minor traffic violation)? Please explain the circumstances: None.

Who are personal heroes to you, or who has provided significant guidance, insight, or acted as an example for how to live your life? How and why?: My parents and grandparents who instilled a passion for learning, travel, and serving others. They taught me values to always seek to better myself and discover new ideas and cultures. What I have learned around the world and here at home, will help guide me when I am in Springfield.

What is something about yourself that might surprise people?: While serving as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer, I earned my certification to become a Philippines Basketball Association official.

Why should someone vote for you?: With skyrocketing inflation, high taxes and prices along with soaring crime rates, people want a better Illinois and are looking for change. My opponent has been in office 10+ years and people see she is out of touch with the kitchen table issues that are forcing parents to decide between food on the table or tutoring lessons for their kids. I will be a new voice for them in Springfield who cares about them and a safer and better future for all of us.

Why are you running for this office?: I see too many friends and neighbors struggling to make ends meet, struggling to keep their businesses open if they weren’t already forced to close them, and parents feeling ignored and dismissed by our current representative. They are telling me they want more meaningful representation that cares about them and not a political machine and special interests.

What experience do you have, which prepares you to hold this office?: As an Army brat, I was fortunate to live, travel, and work around the world and make friends with all kinds of people, and experience both autocratic and democratic governments. I have hands-on experience creating, building, and completing projects in challenging situations, which solved problems and benefitted those in need.

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